Pus in a Wound After Surgery

What Exactly Is Pus?

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Pus is also known as purulent drainage. It is a general term for the thick, often white fluid that collects at the source of an infection. Pus can occur around many types of infections, but it can be especially concerning after surgery. 

Drainage that appears in an incision may be a sign of infection, but not all drainage is pus. Still, it can be an alarming thing to see at your surgical incision.

This article discusses pus in surgical incisions. It also looks at the ways post-surgical infection is treated.

Abdominal surgery incision
Barrett Forster / Getty Images

Pus Explained

Pus is made from:

  • Dead tissue
  • White blood cells
  • Damaged cells

When your body fights an infection, it sends white blood cells to the source. The white blood cells help stop the germs from infecting more tissue. Pus is a byproduct of this process.

When you see pus, it means your body is working to fight an infection. Still, it's never a good thing when a wound becomes infected.

Pus is usually white or a yellow-white color. Sometimes it can be greenish, blood-tinged, blue, or in rare cases even brown. It can also have a foul odor. 

Pus appears in a surgical incision when it is becoming infected. It's a sign that you need further treatment. Surgical infections can become serious quickly, so if you see pus call your surgeon at once.

An infection that spreads and reaches the bloodstream is called sepsis. Sepsis can become life-threatening.

Drainage From a Surgical Incision

Keep in mind that there are many types of drainage, ranging from normal to serious.

You may notice small amounts of thin, clear fluid with a slightly pink or yellow tint draining from the wound as it heals. This is normal and should decrease over the following days to weeks as the wound heals. The length of time it will take depends on your general health and the type of surgery you had.

It is possible to have drainage that looks like pus but is actually just normal drainage. The only way to tell the difference is to seek medical attention. This chart may also help:

Normal vs. Abnormal Drainage

  • Clear to pale yellow or pink

  • Thin and watery

  • Contains only very small amounts of blood

  • Decreasing amounts of drainage

  • Does not smell

  • Cloudy

  • Thick and pus-like

  • Red (fresh blood), brown, white, or blue-green

  • Large or increasing amounts of drainage

  • Smells foul

If your surgical wound seems abnormal in any way, or if you still are not sure, contact your surgeon or healthcare provider. Most surgical wound infections occur within the first 30 days after surgery.

Abscesses Explained

Some infections only produce a small amount of pus. In others, there may be significant buildup. Large amounts of pus may not always be visible because they are under the skin or deep inside an incision.

An abscess happens when drainage does not leak out. Abscesses can appear almost anywhere in the human body. Acne whiteheads are examples of very small abscesses.

Pus can be found in large amounts when an abscess is severe or goes untreated. This type of abscess can start with something as simple as an infected tooth, an infected surgical incision, or even a boil on the skin.

Treating a Wound When Pus Is Present

Resist the urge to scrub a surgical wound that has pus coming from it. You may want to get the area as clean as possible, but you could do more harm than good. Instead, tell your surgeon that there is an infection at the surgical site. Don't clean it or try to remove the pus.

The surgeon may need to swab the site. This is for a wound culture, which helps determine the nature of the infection and which antibiotic will be most helpful.

You may need antibiotics, a change in your wound care regimen, or both. Often, you'll be given an antibiotic at the first sign of infection. If a culture indicates another antibiotic may work better, your doctor may have you switch.

If you can't get an appointment right away and must clean the site, gently wash it with warm water and a gentle cleanser. Rinse well. Don't scrub or use harsh cleansers, which can irritate the wound. If it's too harsh for a baby's skin, don't use it.

When to Seek Medical Care

If you have any concerns about your surgical wound, do not hesitate to contact your surgeon or healthcare provider.

Call your provider right away if you notice any of the following after surgery:

  • Redness, swelling, pain, bleeding, or pus from the surgical site
  • Fever or chills
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Pain that doesn't get better with medication
  • Coughing up yellow, green, or bloody mucus
  • Pain or swelling in your feet or legs

Immediately call 911 if you develop chest pain or difficulty breathing.


Some drainage is normal after surgery, but it can be hard to tell whether drainage is a sign of infection or just fluid. Normal surgical drainage is thin, clear, and does not smell. If the fluid is yellow or green, smells foul, or contains blood, call a healthcare provider for help.

You should also contact your provider if you develop other signs of infection, like increasing pain or fever. It is far better to call and find out that there's no need to worry than to ignore something that could become serious.


6 Sources
Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
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  4. Mount Sinai. Surgical wound infection - treatment.

  5. Loyola Medicine. Overview and facts about abscesses.

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By Jennifer Whitlock, RN, MSN, FN
Jennifer Whitlock, RN, MSN, FNP-C, is a board-certified family nurse practitioner. She has experience in primary care and hospital medicine.